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The Great Medical Saint novel Chapter 392

Matthew asked, "What other options are there?"

Emily replied, "Actually, any method can work, but each one needs a lot of technical support. For example, gene modification that uses the longevity genes from giant tortoises is one way to extend life.

"However, there is also a method that is akin to a rebirth. You know jellyfish, right? There are more than 200 species of them in the ocean. Most jellyfish die after reproducing, but there's one species called the immortal jellyfish.

"The life cycle of the immortal jellyfish includes stages from a fertilized egg to larva, then polyp, and finally adult jellyfish. It matures quickly, reaching sexual maturity in just 25 to 30 days at 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

"What's fascinating is that after reaching maturity, the immortal jellyfish can revert to the polyp stage. It then grows back into a jellyfish and can repeat this cycle as long as it avoids being eaten by other creatures.

"If we could incorporate this phenomenon into human genes, it could enable continuous regeneration and achieve immortality."

She added, "There are other methods as well. For instance, your laboratory's telomere project aims to extend the telomeres in cells.

"In theory, as long as telomeres keep extending, there is no limit to lifespan. Cancer cells are difficult to eradicate because their telomeres keep growing. In fact, cancer cells have a form of immortality. Unfortunately, they are diseased cells.

"Extending telomeres to prolong life is the method that best fits with the human body and causes the least harm. However, it's challenging. There are nearly a hundred laboratories like this around the world, but…" At this point, Emily shook her head.

Matthew smiled and said, "You might not know this, but some researchers have already made progress. They've been able to slightly extend telomeres, which means it can increase human lifespan.

"They've discovered a new approach that uses traditional medicine to extend telomeres. Our laboratory combines traditional and modern medicine to extend telomeres.

Emily was stunned and fell into deep thought at the mention of traditional medicine.


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