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The Great Medical Saint novel Chapter 390

Horace snapped, "Every time, it's about taking this down or that down. You think you're so damn impressive, don't you? My grandson got beaten up, and I can't just let this slide."

Brad said coldly, "As long as no one uses a gun and doesn't exploit their position, you can do whatever you want. I don't care what happens!"

Horace gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, if that's how it's going to be, don't blame me if I turn Lambda City upside down!"

With that, he slammed the phone down on the ground. It bounced and rolled for some distance before coming to a stop.

Horace cursed through clenched teeth, "Just wait, you old man. With your terminal illness, you're not long for this world. When you're gone, I'll take out all my anger on your family."

Adam's eyes widened in shock. It was the first time he'd heard that Brad had a terminal illness.

Horace let out a few more curses, then instructed, "Pick the strongest fighters from the entire army and bring all the elite soldiers to me. Tell them that whoever avenges Isaac will be promoted ten ranks!"

Adam ran through the ranks in his head, from Private and Corporal to Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Battalion Commander, Deputy Regimental Commander, and Colonel.

It was unprecedented for a Private to be promoted directly to Colonel. However, he knew Horace meant every word he said.

He immediately responded, "I'll go pick the men right now, only those who can take on ten people at once."

At the medical forum exhibition area in Lambda City, Matthew placed a glass of water in front of Emily. "The interview is finally over. Here, have a drink," he said.


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