With the phone on speaker mode, Johanna's conversation with Felicia was heard by everyone present, but no one seemed to understand it. It was like listening to a riddle.
Imogen, her face still streaked with tears, looked confused, but she didn't dare interrupt.
Johanna added in her feigned sweet tone, "The person controlling the venomous creature has stopped for now. This time, the child will be fine. But next time, there's no guarantee.
"If you want to save the child, follow my instructions and meet me at Mount Farstone. Remember, Imogen, you have to come alone. If anyone else comes with you and the venomous creature is triggered again, your son won't survive!"
Without giving a time or any other details, Johanna abruptly hung up.
Stephan was still tracking her phone signal on his tablet. Based on the data, Johanna was on the move at high speed, likely in a vehicle or some other mode of transport. With the approximate location identified, the next steps were clear.
Stephan tossed the tablet to one of his men and ordered, "Go capture her. If you can't bring her back alive, dead will do."
The final few words were laced with an unmistakable menace.
His subordinates immediately responded respectfully, and within moments, the sound of cars speeding off echoed through the estate as the team headed out.
Felicia approached Imogen and gently placed her fingers on the back of Caleb's neck. The little boy was still crying, but he was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. His tiny fists were clenched, flailing in discomfort.
Imogen, still teary-eyed, asked anxiously, "Is there anything you can do?"
Felicia didn't reply immediately. Instead, she applied precise pressure to a specific spot. Slowly, Caleb's cries subsided, and his tiny chest began to rise and fall in a more rhythmic pattern as he drifted into unconsciousness.
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