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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1160

Kearney let out a chilling smirk. "So, I pulled the trigger ten times, each shot lethal. He died swiftly and without pain. That's the last thing I could do for him as a brother."

Agnes trembled all over. Suddenly, the well-dressed man before her seemed less human and more like a devil incarnate.

Struggling to her feet, Agnes said, "Kearney, how can you even say such things? You're a monster. You killed your own brother and committed unspeakable acts. Aren't you afraid of karma?"

Kearney's laugh was cold as ice. "Karma? If it truly existed, many more people would be dead by now. Karma is just a cycle of cause and effect, a creation of our own making. I'm just the karma for others. As for my own, I'll face it when it comes."

Agnes thought Kearney was spouting madness. Yet, he spoke as if he was preaching gospel truth.

"Why?" Agnes asked. "All because you loved Phenix, so you decided to kill your brother to have her all to yourself?"


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