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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 1061

Whitney couldn't shake the memories of her return from Eurovoria, especially when it came to Florence. She'd been evasive, never clear about what had happened, and it was all because of a secret she was too afraid to reveal—a secret about a child.

Last night at Brew Hill, she'd run into Holly, and the encounter had been anything but pleasant. Holly had smirked and said, “Florence is doing quite well in Eurovoria, got someone backing her up!”

Whitney had pressed her lips together tightly, trying to maintain composure. Her mind was racing. Who could this mysterious benefactor be? Ludwik seemed the likely suspect. After all, he'd brought the child back. Would he really turn on the child's mother?

The past few days, he'd been distant, almost like a ghost in their home.

Everything seemed like it had been leading up to this moment, and Whitney's mind felt like it was caught in a torrential downpour, leaving her feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable.

A car horn blared behind her, snapping her out of her thoughts. The driver leaned out the window, shouting, “Are you out of your mind, lady? Walking all over the street like that! Move it or lose it!”

Whitney stared back at the driver with a blank expression. Then, with a bitter smile, she whispered to herself, “Maybe I should go get drunk, forget that my sons went to meet their half-sister, that he brought her back. What am I even worth?”

Half an hour later, Whitney found herself in a bar, downing shots of vodka like they were water. The cold liquid burned its way down, dulling her senses, and soon enough, the world around her became a blurry, cold mess.

The tears came before she even noticed, and she raised a shaky hand to brush them away.

Wasn't alcohol supposed to drown your sorrows? Instead, it magnified her pain, her resentment. Why would Ludwik want that child? Hadn't he said she was the only one he loved?

Lies. All lies. Ten months of deceit...

“I could have given you a daughter,” she muttered, biting back tears. “I hate you...”

Her phone buzzed incessantly, and she squinted at the screen. It was Tiana. Her defenses crumbled as she answered, her voice raw, “Tiana.”

“Where are you, Whitney?” Tiana sounded worried.

“I’m… drinking,” Whitney replied, her words slurring slightly.

“Drinking? Sammy called me, said you didn't come home and weren't answering your phone. What happened? Did you and Ludwik have another fight?”

Whitney laughed hollowly, “Fight? There's nothing left to fight about. It's over.”

“You're drunk,” Tiana said, a mix of exasperation and concern in her voice. “You're usually so rational. What’s really going on?”

Whitney's tears broke free at Tiana's gentle probing, “Tiana, I just miss you. I don't know who else to talk to.”

Tiana's voice softened, “Whitney, don't feel like you have to hold it all in. I'm here for you.”

Chapter 1061 1

Chapter 1061 2


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