You Belong To Me

Chapter 550 : I Won

Taiga's Study room,

Taiga : Are you going to open your mouth or not.

Disha's POV,

(Staring at the floorwith tears in her eyes) This is all...right?... All his words were all lie.. He said, he trusts me...Trust?... what does that mean anymore... Love?.. Is it still alive in this world...

Taiga : HEY... (Disha coming back to her conscious) Tell me whether it's true or not.

Taiga's POV,

Tell me it is a lie... Please Disha (Swallows) Tell me everything is a lie... Please, you were the first person I believed this much.... Don't cut my heart more deeper... Please...Were you in love with him till this day.. What does that mean between us?.. We had something between us? I knew it.. Please just tell me, I haven't met him.

Taiga : Tell me Disha?...

Disha : Disha taking the photo in her hand and looking into the picture of her and Charles together in a room.

This is me.

Taiga : (Stands in shock) This is Jonas wedding day right? (Disha nods) You said you were correcting your dress (Disha curls her lips to control her tears) BUT YOU WERE KISSING HIM.... WHEN I WAS AROUND YOU.... why did you do that to me... WHY?.... (trying to pull the trigger) sh*t.. SH*T... (throws his gun down)

in shock) am done.... Leave my house..

: Taiga?.... Taiga... Listen to

MY DAMN MANSION... I must not see you again in my life... If I see you again... You will die... I can

give me a chance to explain.

Why...? Why?... You always wanted to leave me right.. You tried many times

against the wall forcefully) I thought of killing my mom for accusing you... For you... When she showed me this picture of you and your damn boyfriend..If you had said, just "No Taiga..It's

Leave my house...


I will always win.. I just threw a small stone in his pond, you see I gave him 8 good pictures of you and Andrew.. But he remembered only the two pictures which I photo shopped..Human brain observes negativity in the speed of light Disha..And yeah.. My

playing with you

After few hours- 9PM.

Mansion without

Hutsun : Madam, Disha?... Madam Disha.. It's raining outside mam.. Master Taiga?.. Madam Disha is

Disha from stairs who

Madam Disha?


master... What is

a blank look on his

After few hours,

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