Shane saw the hotel rate and quickly decided it wasn't worth the expense. He could easily rent a place for a few thousand a month, and the price of one night could cover an entire year's rent, plus some help with the cleaning.
In the end, he opted for a room that cost around 200 dollars. It wasn't as posh as the suites he usually stayed in, but it was more than adequate.
Sasha had stumbled upon a great opportunity to make money and was eager to seize the opportunity. While she had already scaled back on her spending and had a good salary plus bonuses, there was no denying how exciting it was to make money on her own.
Lying in bed, she thought about how she and Shane could expand their business and reach a wider audience. But nothing concrete came to mind, so she decided to call Annalise for advice.
When I saw it was Sasha calling, I picked up. "Hey, what's up?"
"A lot, actually!" Sasha said, jumping right into it. She quickly filled me in on what she and Shane had been up to and asked, "What would you do if you were in my shoes?"
I chuckled. "Think back—what helped you get so many deals in the first place?"
Sasha thought for a second. "Because of Shane and my influence?"
"Spot on," I replied. "If you want to attract even more attention, get a few of your friends to help spread the word."
Sasha understood what I meant. "And when the deals come in, I can give them a commission from our earnings?"
"Exactly," I said, relieved she was on the same page. I then explained the trade-offs. "You might not see a huge return right away, but it'll help keep things running for the long haul."
Sasha smacked her forehead. "You're right. I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner."
I spoke calmly, "But remember, the connections your friends bring in won't last forever. That's why I recommend setting up a marketing department so that everyone knows what your company offers. The goal is to make it so that people seek you out on their own.
The readers' comments on the novel: The Reclaimed Rose (Annalise and Steven)