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The Reclaimed Rose (Annalise and Steven) novel Chapter 598

That was why Shane felt so crushed when Yvonne chose someone else over him. He came to a sudden halt in the middle of the street.

He remembered then that Yvonne had never actually said she loved him. It was Sasha who had planted that idea in his head.

The only reason he'd believed it was because he saw Yvonne going out of her way to please him, and he let Sasha's words convince him that it meant something more.

A growing sense of unease settled over him. He turned around and headed back to Sasha's place and rang the doorbell.

"Hey," Shane called out.

Sasha shuffled to the door, yawning. "What now?"

Shane fixed his gaze on her. "I need to ask you something. Yvonne never really loved me, did she?"

The question threw Sasha off balance. How had he figured it out? A brief flicker of guilt flashed across her face, but she quickly looked away.

Shane's voice grew louder. "So, you've been lying to me all along? Why? Was this your idea of revenge?"

Once her deceit was out in the open, Sasha saw no reason to pretend anymore. "Of course it was. What did you expect?

"You went off and found some woman to date, even called her my 'stand-in.' You dragged me into this mess for no reason, then showed up with her just to rub it in my face.

"So yeah, I got back at you. What's the problem with that? Don't forget this, Shane: I'm not someone you can walk all over." Sasha wasn't the type to just sit back and take it.


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