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The Kiss that Sparked it All novel Chapter 1463

The name Malloy made Balfour's eyes darken, and a hint of caution flickered beneath his gaze.

Ellinor, sharp as a tack, caught the subtle shift in her brother's expression and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there bad blood between you and Malloy?"

"Malloy is the alias Thaddeus used back home." Balfour said as he shook his head in worry.

"Malloy is Thaddeus?" Ellinor was taken aback. "So, that plot of land belongs to Thaddeus?"

Balfour gave her an affirmative nod. "What time is the auction? I'll accompany you tomorrow."

Without any attempt to hide, Ellinor replied, "It's at ten tomorrow morning."

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Also, have the Blanchet family's staff bring in those toys from the back of the car for the kids."

Ellinor’s mind was elsewhere as she murmured her thanks to her brother. Soon, members of the Blanchet family's staff were seen carrying in the toys Balfour had brought for the children.

Ellinor watched Balfour's car drive away in deep thought. She glanced down at the painting titled 'Dark Night'. If she could find her mom, maybe she could find Theo too.


The kids were over the moon with their new toys.

Baber, hugging his share tightly, asked with gleaming eyes. "Mommy, did Uncle buy these toys for us?"

Ellinor had never openly acknowledged Balfour as her brother, but she was not against her children calling him Uncle.


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