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The Kiss that Sparked it All novel Chapter 1462

Ellinor had never heard of this painting before. "How did you come across this painting?"

"In a friend's house. The ink was still wet when I saw it."

Ellinor's eyes narrowed with curiosity. "So you think this painting is an original Lady Lotus?"

Balfour solemnly nodded. "Lady Lotus' style and handwriting could be imitated, but there's a quirk she had that not many knew about."

Ellinor, who had vague memories of her mother, looked at Balfour with interest. "What quirk?"

"When she would paint, her grip on the brush was always proper, but once she started signing it, her hand would relax and rest on the paper, so it often picked up some paint.

And when she signed, the paint on her hand would smear next to her signature, forming a C-shaped mark.

Every time, she'd get frustrated and carefully wipe it away. She was afraid to leave a trace, but she'd forget and do it again the next time.

The painting I've bought has that same mark next to the signature. That mark wasn't wiped away, probably because it was a casual piece she did privately."

At this point, Quinton, who was in the passenger seat, handed Ellinor a framed painting the size of an A4 paper.

"Ms. Mendoza, please have a look."

Ellinor took it, and sure enough, she saw the mark Balfour mentioned.

Her hands trembled.

That smudge mirrored the fine lines on the side of her hand. If Lady Lotus was still alive, then these lines would match her handprint.


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