Chapter 106
As soon as, "I love you, Easton.
And I promise, 'leaves her mouth, I kiss her.
I kiss her in a way that she'll never forget.
That, in twenty years from now, she'll look back on and remember the power and strength behind it.
The emotion.
The love that I have for this girl.
Goddamn it, she blows my mind.
The moment I pull away, I hear another crack of thunder outside and I know I need to get a fire going in the living room in case we end up losing power.
"Are you hungry? '
I ask, giving her one last kiss.
She shrugs.
"We had a big breakfast. '
She then rolls her eyes.
"Not that I could really enjoy it, deep down I worried she was poisoning us. '
I laugh.
The thought had crossed my mind, too.
I get up from the bed and find her leggings and sweatshirt, tossing both onto the mattress, so she can get dressed.
I put on a pair of grey sweats and a hoodie.
As I turn toward her, I say, "There's stuff for s'mores in the pantry.
Any interest? '
“Ohhh, 'she groans.
"I love those. '
Fuck, she's gorgeous.
She has no makeup on, her hair is a little wild, she's covered in a sweatshirt that's hiding most of her sexy body, yet she couldn't look hotter in this moment.
“I'm going to load the fireplace with wood and get it roaring.
Why don't you go find Sadie and Ryan and see if they're hungry.
There's frozen patties and hot dogs in the freezer, I can always slap some on the grill and we can eat them for dinner—or even breakfast tomorrow. '
She looks at one of the windows, then back at me.
“It's pouring outside.
You'll get soaked. '
"We have a backup grill in the garage.
Don't worry, I won't get wet in there. '
She wraps her arms around my waist.
"You're right, the storm was the best thing that could have happened to us this weekend. '
I kiss her nose.
"I know. 'I slap her ass.
"Now go. '
I head for the garage where my parents keep the Spare wood and load the large fireplace with some.
I add in some crumpled—up newspaper and find the matches Mom keeps in the kitchen.
Once I get the flame started, nursing it at first by blowing in some air, I join the group in the living room.
"Is it s'more time? 'Sadie asks.
She's holding a long, metal skewer, a marshmallow already at the end.
“Have at it, 'I tell her.
She squeals as she walks over to the fire, taking a seat on the rocky ledge.
“So, what's everyone feel like doing? Should we watch a movie? Play a game? '
A crack of thunder comes through the living room, causing Harper to jump.
Since the entire back of the house is all windows, we can see the bolt of lightning that follows, flashing across the whole lake.
“Are we going to lose power? 'Sadie asks.
"It's a strong possibility, '
Ryan replies.
"Don't you agree, Easton? 'I nod.
“It happens a lot here whenever there's a storm. '
"So you must have candles? '
Harper asks.
"Sure do, follow me. '
I take her into the kitchen where there's a whole shelf of candles on the bottom of the pantry.
I hand her several, and then grab some flashlights.
While I give everyone their own flashlight, Harper spreads the lit candles throughout the room.
“We don't have to worry about food, '
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