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Where We Belong novel (Ava and Blaze) Book 1 novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Leighton was bathed and sleeping for 7pm. So here I was relaxing on the couch with a glass of wine and crappy tv. I hadn't heard from Blaze since earlier today but Leighton had kept me occupied so I didn't think about him to much. Bringing the glass to my lips I froze when I heard a chap at the door.

"Ava let me in girl"....


Walking the short distance to the door I pulled it open, there she stood pizza in one hand a bottle of wine in the other.

"Thought we needed a catch up" She smiled as I side stepped to let her in. "Why you sitting in here all on your own? Where's Blaze?".

"Shht" Pointing to the baby monitors I picked up my glass and took back my seat "I have Leighton tonight and he's not long went to sleep and I'd like to keep it that way".

"Oh shit my bad" She whispered disappearing into the kitchen and returning with a glass "So where's Blaze?" She asked topping up my glass as she filled her own.

"He's on a job won't be back for weeks. Where's Cage? I haven't seen him about".

"Must be the same job" She huffed rolling her eyes "I get annoyed with him when we're always together but when he's not here I miss him" She pouted

I knew exactly what she meant. Blaze never annoyed me but we did get on top of each other a lot. "I miss him too and check this he thinks I'm ignoring him".

"Well are you?"

"No I just wasn't in the mood to-...."

The vibrations filling the room cut me off. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Sliding my finger across the screen I held the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby'"

It was so good to hear him voice.

"Hey yourself"

"How you doing A?"

Catching my attention Ally motioned that she was going to the toilet which was obviously an excuse to get out of ear shot of my conversation.

"I miss you" I blurted out. I didn't want him to think I couldn't last a couple of days without him. I wanted him to see that I could take care of myself.

"Miss you too sweets. How's the babysitting going? That you getting ready for when we-..."

"Don't finish that sentence" I laughed making him chuckle "Not just yet".

"God I wish I was there with you baby. This job shouldn't take much longer. Once I come home I need to talk to you about something...."

I wasn't listening to what he was saying. I couldn't focus on anything other that the female laughter in the background.

"Ava you there?"

"Where are you?" I asked my tone sharp. I trusted him I did but I couldn't help the memories coming back of what had happened before.

Chapter 143 1

Chapter 143 2

Chapter 143 3


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