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Touched by Forever novel Chapter 5

“We do, we just cannot see our own reflection,” Paris answered, amused that a clever girl like Ann believed in Vampire tales.

“Do you need to be invited into a house? Did my mom invite you in?” Ann asked, eager to know.

“Yes, we need to be invited in, into some houses. Depends if an Inupiat shaman put an invitation spell on a house,” Paris answered, wondering if he must compel her to forget.

“Shaman?” Ann asked, confused.

“Yes, a native witch doctor, if you must.” Paris smiled.

“I know what a shaman is,” Ann said, annoyed and eager to get him to leave. She found him incredibly attractive, but she was slightly angry about the fact that he and his friends used her as a meal more than once.

“All the houses in this town seem to have an invitation spell on them,” Paris confessed.

“Wow, so my house is not the first one you invade. How long have you been in town to know all the houses have an invitation spell on?” Ann asked worriedly.

“We have a compound on the outskirts to the North of town. We arrived here for the first time 500 years ago. We have housing in every Alaskan town. Actually, we have housing in almost every city in the world. All Vampire nests do,” Paris explains, not really knowing why he felt he can trust her.

Ann took a deep breath. “Please will you leave? In Vampire stories, a human can uninvite a Vampire. I guess that is just in stories?”

Paris just laughed at her and decided not to tell her the truth. A Shaman must put an invitation withdrawal spell on a house as well. Either any human that was in the house at that moment or the human that invited them in. In this house’s case, it seemed the Shaman that placed the spells either did not place any of the two or perhaps placed the spell that the invite must withdraw. Paris left with vampire speed, leaving a gash of wind fluttering the curtains.

Ann closed the window with relief and made a mental note to visit a nearby village to find a shaman. She did not know that they were still in practice, but since her town had werewolves and Vampires surely, she will find Shamans. She shut her window once more and sits down in front of her dresser that matched her armchair. For a moment, she flushed red at the thought that this was the second time in one day that Paris saw her naked. She tried to put it out of her mind and dried her hair.

Ann put on her cotton, laced trimmed nightgown but not before she scanned her room to make sure no one sneaked in again. She went to her window and turned the lock into position. She also went to her bathroom and made sure the window was shut properly. That night, she decided to also lock her bedroom door. She was not sure if she felt fear or not. All she knew was that she would have no vampires feeding on her that night.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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