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The Surge of Love novel Chapter 5

Slowly, the small theater filled up with people. Once the director arrived, each actor took the stage to audition.

Yan Wen in her mask, with hair down and her eyes barely showing under the heavy false eyelashes, sat quietly watching the stage with Hui. Anyone who was familiar with her would know that she had already entered audition mode.

Hui whispered in Yan Wen's ear, "Pretend to read the script. Once you're up there, act a bit and then pretend to faint. I'll bring you back up to the room and your task is done."

"Then the role is Jiang Lingyun's?" Yan Wen asked, acting surprised.

Everyone was here based on their ability, but Jiang Lingyun was here only because of Bai Zhexuan's underhanded actions.

"Of course. Now you just 'faint' properly. Don't add anything else to it." Hui warned as he turned to answer his phone.

Hui's warning sparked an idea in Yan Wen. She bowed her head to read the script, mouth curling into a smile under the mask. A plan was forming in her mind.

When she lifted her head again, her eyes swam with tears in sympathy of Zhen-er's life.

A crew member walked over to her. "Lingyun, you're up next."

Yan Wen nodded and stood up, purposely coughing twice to hide her plan from Hui.

Seizing his opportunity, Hui explained, "Lingyun has been working so hard these past few days that she's running a high fever now. However, she really wants this role and insisted on coming for the audition even though I objected."

He even gave Yan Wen a look of exasperation, shaking his head.

After Hui's little speech, Yan Wen noticed a change in the expressions of the people around her. Besides jealousy, there was a degree of admiration. Yan Wen laughed to herself. Bai Zhexuan had really put in a lot of effort to portray Jiang Lingyun as kind and dedicated to her job. But she would not let them win. Jiang Lingyun's image would be destroyed today.

Yan Wen took to the stage. Because of Hui's earlier explanation, even though she was wearing a hat and face mask, Director Chen just looked at her and sighed but did not say anything.

She removed her hat, letting down her long hair and tucking the sides behind her ears, leaving the mask to hide her face.

Chapter 5 The Standard of an Acclaimed Actress 1

Chapter 5 The Standard of an Acclaimed Actress 2


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