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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella and Romeo) novel Chapter 1093

The Princess and the Paupers novel Chapter 1093 : Echoes of the Past

As the story progresses at Chapter 1093, the characters delve into their pasts. Secrets and hidden histories are unveiled, shedding light on the motivations and conflicts that shape their present lives. Will the details of Chapter 1093 in The Princess and the Pauper novel Arabella solve the problems and troubles in love? Let's read The Princess and the Pauper novel Arabella Chapter 1093 at Novelfreepdf.com

A couple of bodyguards stopped her in her tracks.

She flicked her hair back, seductively throwing a flirtatious glance at Sampson.

"Mr. Sampson, my name is Lucy. I've admired you for a long time. I've even learned to play golf just for you. Would I have the honor of getting your phone number?"

The surrounding customers were taken aback. They didn't expect her to be so bold. Sampson, on the surface, seemed like a gentleman, but in reality, he was a tough guy.

But she dared to flirt with him unabashedly.

Unfazed, Sampson glanced at her before Louisa intervened. "Miss, if you could keep your dignity in check."

"Are you Mr. Sampson's sister?" Lucy quickly put on a smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Lucy. I really like your brother. Please give me a chance. I promise to make him happy for the rest of his life."

Louisa was left speechless. What could this exotic girl offer to make her brother happy? His money?

Lucy pointed at Arabella, standing up straight to accentuate her figure. "Don't you think I'm better than her?"

"Better than her?"

"In terms of dressing, figure, I surpass her in every way!"

At this, Louisa waved her off, "Have her escorted out."

"What did I say wrong?"

Two bodyguards escorted Lucy out.

Lucy desperately tried to argue her case, "You don't know me. Once you do, you'll see that I'm better than her."


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