The Peremptory Casey Davies

Chapter 408 You Only Deserve to Be My Servant


The interaction of light and shadow, coupled with lively music, made the entire bar extremely exciting.

The half-naked girls were twisting their waists in the middle of the dance floor, and many fashionable men surrounded them and kept sticking to the girls, occasionally taking the opportunity to touch them.

At this moment Lily was on the edge of the dance floor, looking at the young people dancing inside. She looked excited, and her body moved with the rhythm of the music.

Her face was flushed, her eyes blurred, and she seemed to have drunk a lot of alcohol. Although there was an excited smile on the corner of her mouth, there was an unconcealable loss in her big eyes.

After leaving the apartment yesterday, Lily appeared in various bars in J City. She wanted to numb herself with alcohol and suppress the pain in her heart. In the past two days, she had not been awake.

Next to Lily, stood a tall man wearing a blue suit and looking aristocratic.

Two bodyguards stood behind him. They showed an invisible aura that made everyone around dare not approach them.

The man was named Lucas Holmes, the young master of a second-rate family, the Holmes family in B City. He came to J City on business. When he came to the bar to play in the evening, he noticed Lily with outstanding temperament. He had already guarded Lily's side for one night.

Although Lucas was from B City, he didn't know that Lily was the eldest lady of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in B City. Natan did not reveal too much information about Lily to the outside world in order to protect Lily. Only a small number of people knew her.

So, Lucas thought Lily was just a beauty from J City, and he had already regarded her as his hunting target tonight.

At that time, he tried to take advantage of Lily when she was drunk. He happened to be seen by Conor who came here to find Lily. Conor rushed over and stopped Lucas.

The conflict broke out between them, and Lucas directly stated his identity, not afraid of Conor, the emperor of Underground World in J City. In his opinion, J City was just a small place. The power of the Holmes family could easily crush any forces in J City.

And Lily knew that Conor was Casey's person, she was getting angry, and she helped Lucas scold Conor, and told him not to be nosy.

Conor didn't know what to do, so he ran outside and called Casey.

Soon, Conor walked back from the outside, looking at Lucas with an ugly expression.

with a sneer on his face,

Do people in a small place like you still want to fight against people from B City?

someone you can mess with. If you really do anything to

said, "Don't talk nonsense. Are there any girls I can't get in J City? Don't be funny. That girl has also said you have no right to control her. She is willing to flirt with me. It's none of your

for a while. He knew that Lily was only angry with

only wait for Casey. Before that, as long as Lucas dared to molest Lily,

knew Lily's identity, didn't think he was troubling Lucas, on the contrary, it could be said

all, if Lucas really did something to Lily, with the power of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, the Holmes family would be destroyed

standing by without speaking, with a sinister smile on his face, and then

supported Lily's shoulder with the other

and glanced

without saying a word, and reached out to pull

two bodyguards immediately stood in front

out a hand and grabbed one of the bodyguards' hands. He used his arm to

strength had been greatly improved, and he could compare with the first-class masters of the Davies family. the Holmes

that cleaned up his two bodyguards easily. However, he did

you to act on my bodyguard. You

Conor looked at Lucas

you order me?" Lucas curled

step forward and

Conor's outstretched hand, and said in a dazed tone, "What do you want to do, why do you treat my friend like this? The

stopped immediately when hearing Lily's words. He didn't take Lucas seriously, but he

woman. How dare you say you are emperor of the Underground


him, and Conor didn't dare to beat

his opinion, Lily had defended him, which meant she was attracted

turned around, slapped Lucas directly, and

that the girl who had just defended him

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