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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 2

Xyra's viewpoint

   Someone up there loves us for this trip. First, all the sandwiches we could eat, and now sugar heaven? We rushed to the table, literally bulldozing people out of the way. My mind almost burst from how many there were.

   "So much to choose from, my mind is going to explode!" Moira shrieked.

   "I am already salivating, where do we begin?" I cried.

   "April, April would kill us if she misses this," Zeph said under her breath, "and she always knows where to start from."

   I turned and caught sight of her. "April! Over here!" I shouted, not caring if it wasn't a proper manner. April averted her eyes from the lady she was talking to, her smile still on her face. My shy princess had become more social after attending many meetings as a beta female. "Paradise," I whispered, pointing at the table.

   Her forest green eyes turned to gold as they glowed with excitement, startling the lady looking at her. She roughly pushed her glass into Lex's hand, pushed the man in her way aside and practically ran to us. Immediately she got to us, she pulled me into a hug, causing me to laugh.

   "So, where do we start from?"

   "Something new!" She exclaimed. Nothing could make her this excited except the thought of eating pastries. We weren't allowed to eat any pastry with sugar of more than 10%. So when we got our freedom and tried the high one, we fell in love.

   "That looks delicious," Moira said, pointing at a bubbling fountain that looked like pink lemonade and chocolate. My eyes fell on something that instantly caught my gaze. It was golden with three green circles and a lot of rainbow sprinkles. It looked like spudnut doughnuts but at the same time, it looked like some kind of puffy snack.

   "What about that one?" I asked, turning April's head to look at it. She hummed and walked closer to it with me behind her.

   "What's this?" She asked the maid standing close to it.

   "Our royal chef's special creation, apple-lined creamy golden puffs with sweet berry rainbow sprinkles. The sprinkles are rare and another creation of our chef. Wanna try it?" She asked with a wide smile.

   "Why not?" I smiled back, grabbing one from the tray. The others took theirs. "Ready?" They nodded. "One bite!" We all took a bite. My eyes widened as I saw sparkles in them, actual rainbow sparkles with gold stars surrounding them. The cream burst out into my mouth and coated my tongue, throwing its delicious unbelievably magical taste all over my taste buds.

   A purr of approval vibrated through my chest and left my lips as I closed my eyes and relaxed into the incredible taste. Majesty liked it too because she was moaning with delight. It was the best thing I had ever tasted.

Breathtaking surprise (2) 1


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