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The Kiss that Sparked it All novel Chapter 870

Veronica was a total handbag junkie, but lately she had been on a shopping hiatus since her grandma put her credit cards on ice. So she wasn’t able to indulge in her favorite pastime, bag shopping.

When she heard there was a chance to score ten Hermès bags, Veronica's eyes lit up like a kid’s in a candy store. But she looked skeptically at Ellinor, who was from the wrong side of the tracks, "Do you have that kind of dough? How can you make such a big promise?"

Ellinor just smiled, "Even if I don't, your brother does. Don't forget, all his moolah is with me now!"

This made Veronica's day. She was hell-bent on getting those ten Hermès bags.

"Ellinor, you said it! No take-backs when I've jumped through all the hoops!"

Ellinor smiled back, "Don't worry, I won't back out! But don't you want a bowl of noodles?"

Veronica gave a contemptuous look at the scrambled eggs in her hand, "I wouldn't touch your noodles with a ten-foot pole! Even my dog wouldn't eat noodles made by a pauper like you!"

Having said that, Veronica, holding her workbook, turned around to get cracking on her assignments, hoping to cash in on Ellinor’s promise of ten Hermès bags.

But as soon as she turned around, she found herself face-to-face with her big bro.

Theo had just taken a shower. He was dressed in a bathrobe, with his arms crossed while leaning against the kitchen door frame.

He was looking stormy as his eyes shot daggers at her.

Veronica froze, "Theo... When did you get here?"

Theo furrowed his brows, "Looks like you'll never change your bratty ways."

Without saying more, he came over to straighten out his wayward sister.

Scared, Veronica backed away instinctively and took cover behind Ellinor, who was whisking eggs, "Theo, I'm sorry! I... I... I..."

Theo barked, "Come here!"


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