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The Kiss that Sparked it All novel Chapter 846

"Saffron is some kind of medicine; I reckon the amount in that pomegranate juice I drank didn't exceed the limit for my body type, so I didn't show any signs of discomfort, and my body indicators are all good to go."

Balfour said, "Even if you didn't spot any issues, please hand over the medical report to me."

Patricia didn't feel like fetching the report, so she gently tugged at her mom's hand.

Xenia got the hint straight away from her daughter and immediately defended her, "Balfour, I know you're worried about Patricia's health, but if Patricia says she's fine, then she must be fine. You can chill out; there’s no need to see the report."

Xenia didn't do much to convince Balfour; he frowned, and his tone got stern, "Go fetch the medical report right now; don't make me repeat myself!"

Why on earth was Patricia so reluctant to just fetch the report?

From the get-go when Patricia didn't want to get a medical check-up, something didn't sit right with Balfour, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

Now that he saw Patricia acting all weird, Balfour's suspicion was growing.

Could it be that there were other substances in that pomegranate juice that could affect a woman's health, and that's why Patricia was scared?

Was she scared of him seeing the results?

Although Ellinor didn't really drink the pomegranate juice, just took a sip and spat it out immediately, if there were other substances in the juice, even just touching the mouth could potentially affect a pregnant woman.

Just thinking about this got Balfour scared. He couldn't bear the thought of his sister facing any risks.

McNeil Howard didn't understand what his son was insisting on, but as a father, he didn't want to see his kids fight, so he also said, "Patricia, your brother adores you; if he wants you to fetch it, just do it, then he can rest easy."


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