Ahab was no longer part of the team at New Blossom Press.
"Alright, Ahab's gone; you guys can breathe easy now. He is a textbook example, folks. I hope you all take a lesson from this – don't use your seniority to bully the new blood. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Meeting adjourned."
The boss returned to his office alone, while Regina remained seated at her desk for a while longer. She felt a need to ask why he had suddenly taken her side.
Before she could approach his office, she overheard him on the phone.
She turned to leave, then suddenly, her own name caught her ear.
"Yes – everything's been done just as you instructed. Regina has no clue it was your idea to deal with Ahab.
Yeah, you can count on that; she won't find out.
Alright, looking forward to your next visit to New Blossom Press, Mr. Harris."
"Mr. Harris!"
Regina was stunned. Which Mr. Harris could command such respect from her boss?
Could it be Nolan Harris? But how could he be involved?
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