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The Kiss that Sparked it All novel Chapter 2230

Chapter 2230 

“I’m just saying that none of us should be held responsible for lvy’s mishap,” Diana declared, her voice steady and resolute. 

“What did you just say?” Colton was visibly shaken by her words, and even the producer’s cigarette tumbled from his lips in disbelief. 

“Huh?” Diana seemed unfazed by the stir she had caused. 

She then turned toward all the others, “Think about it-who insisted on not using a stunt double? Didn’t the director try to talk her out of it before shooting began? So did the safety coordinator. Ivy said she wanted to deliver the best performance possible, but let’s be honest-she was more concerned about her own pride. I’m deeply saddened by Ivy’s accident, of course. But it was Ivy’s personal choice to sacrifice for her art, and nobody else should have to answer for others’ decision, right? 

If Ivy had heeded the director’s advice, she wouldn’t have rashly chosen to go it alone. Sure, using a stunt double might not have the same impact as the actor performing the scene themselves, but our crew has always prioritized safety first, and Ivy was well aware of that. Considering all these factors, I believe we shouldn’t feel overly guilty about Ivy’s accident. After all, fortune favors the brave, and I’m sure she’ll be fine. What do you guys think?” 

Colton almost wanted to laugh at her absurd argument, yet many in the room seemed emboldened by her words. 

Everyone had been on edge since Ivy’s accident, but Diana’s assertion of not bearing responsibility for it acted like a shot of adrenaline. 

Indeed, Ivy had made her own choice. 

Didn’t she know she couldn’t swim? Her insistence had nothing to do with them, right? 

They were all adults, after all, and everyone had to own up to their choices. 

The moment Ivy stepped into the water, she likely weighed the potential risk of an accident. 

Before Colton could retort, Margot let out a cold laugh and couldn’t hold back any longer. “By that logic, if any other actors or crew members have accidents in the future, it’s none of the production’s concern? If we follow your reasoning, when we get injured, we shouldn’t expect any compensation from the production. If the production has no stake in this, then how can we ensure our own safety?” 

Her words were a wake-up call. 

The other crew members had agreed with Diana simply because they weren’t the one in the hospital right now. 



Chapter 2230 

But in reality, they just needed to imagine themselves in Ivy’s shoes-if all the accident were unconnected to the production, what would happen to them? 


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