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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 603

Chapter 0603 “Your skin is looking much better.” Alec whispered in my ear.

By the time we made it home, we both had passed out in bed. With his arms gently placed around me, I was able to sleep comfortably and safely. I had just started waking up when he started moving his hand down my arm and around my back. Where the scarring was the worst, I was only able to feel a light version of the sparks but they were still there.

“Am I healed?” Opening my eyes, I started looking at my skin. Everything looks days old. There wasn’t any open wounds and everything was either scabbed over or scarring. My tissue was still red and angry but not as puffy as it was.

“Enough that we can focus on where they are at and get her back.” Alec kissed my

head before I felt the bed shift from him ) getting out.

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“I should be good to shower ther:*-twas ' talking more out loud to myself than to Alec but he still turned around and | nodded.

“Yeah, you should be good. I am going to call Colt and get moving.” As he walked out of the bedroom, I was left to get myself showered. My shoulders were sore but not as bad. The determination from both of our wolves really did me good. However, my wolf was completely spent. She was passed out. This was the first time that I have ever felt her energy be so low. It will probably take a few days to get back to where it needs to be, Alec’s too, I'm sure.

I'wanted to take a hot shower but figured the cooler water would be better as to not irritated the redness more. However, I would have to agree with Alec. My skin was looking much better. It was nice to be

able to shampoo my uneven hair and my ) body | Since it was cooler water, it was a short | shower. It was only when I started | brushing my hair that I realized how | uneven it was. There was some sadness | but my eyes landed on a pair of scissors and my brain turned off. Before I knew what I was doing, the scissors were evening out my hair. Chunks of hair fell in the sink.

“What ar-" Alec walked in to the bathroom but stopped when he realized what I was doing.

“It was uneven so I was trying to fix it.” By the time I was done, it was at my shoulders. Never in my life had I ever had it this short but it wasn’t terrible. It was by no means an even haircut but it was much better than it was.

“I think you got it pretty good. Here, let me get some in the back.” Alec took the scissors from me and did a few snips

| before setting them done. “Ready to get ) dressed?” “I am. Did you get ahold of Colt? What's the plan?” Walking to our closet, I put on | some loser joggers since my skin was still tender.


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