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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 583

Chapter 0583 One by one, we filed into the lounge room. Jace had multiple massive dark brown leather couches that circled around a massive coffee table. The only opening had an equally large fireplace.

The stone that bordered the fire appeared to be original as well. A small fire was crackling but it was the wall to ceiling windows that caught my attention. The over look of the mountain side was breath taking. The tree tops were sparkling with a fresh layer of snow, untouched by human hands.

“Okay, from what I gathered, Ann and Anthony have been working with rogues. However, the blood that was found at Alec and Kristen's cabin was from a dead man.” Colt slapped down a

couple folders. It was physically painful to walk away from the window and back to the group discussion.

“How did she manage to make it out alive?” Lars asked.

“She was in the hot tub when she realized she wasn’t alone. She made her way to the bedroom and used the door to keep them from flanking her.

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Eventually, she was forced to jump out the window.” Sitting down, I pushed away the pictures of our tainted cabin. “She’s lucky to be alive. Look at his rap sheet.” Colt pulled out one of the two dead man’s files.

Jace walked over with four whiskeys on the rocks. “It said that Anthony had registered him as dead. We can assume that everyone he listed is not dead but

his own personal army.” Taking one, I just leaned back and listened. If it was up to me, I would just storm the place or drop an Atom bomb on it. However, that would kill too many innocent lives. However, itis fun to think about.

“These are all specialized warriors.

Taking them out will be challenging.” Lars looked at the paper.

«Jce hasn't trained in over 6 months and took two out. I don’t want to underestimate them but they are also just men. We are just as trained.” Colt frowned.

“Kirsten isn’t a normal person either.

Your dad make sure of that. However, that is besides the point. What is our next move?” Lars asked.


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