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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 1046

Mia had let her medicine cool and completely forgotten to take it. It was the housekeeper who gently nudged her, saying, "Ma'am, you should really take your cold medicine. The mister will worry if he finds out you haven't."

With that, Mia quickly gulped it down. She placed her son on the couch and went to prepare a cup of cold medicine for her husband, leaving it on the table. Just then, Andre walked in the door with a small packet of medicine in hand.

He handed it to Mia, who then passed the cold remedy to him, saying, "Come on, I took mine like a good girl, now it's your turn."

Andre, always the robust type, shrugged it off. "I'm alright, really."

"I'm alright too, but I still took mine. Let's be in this together as a family, okay?" Mia teased, nudging the cup closer to his lips.

Seeing her playful determination and the notion of family unity, Andre couldn't help but chuckle. He took the cup and downed it in a few gulps just to reassure her.

With that done, the couple turned their attention to their little one. Mia cradled her son with one arm, a spoon in the other, taking a deep breath as if gearing up for a challenge. "Henry, it's medicine time, buddy. Try not to fuss too much, okay? Be good, and you can snuggle with us in bed tonight."

Henry's nose was running again, and he rubbed it across his face with a tiny hand, giving his parents a cheeky grin despite the mess.

Andre, a bit grossed out, wiped Henry's face clean and poured some medicine onto the spoon Mia held. Both parents focused on their little bundle, wondering how to get him to take it.

Chapter 1046 1

Chapter 1046 2


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