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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 777

And in comparison to her, Selene was the absolute opposite. Did Selene ever show even the slightest trace of integrity? Mindy, the cousin he had been spoiling for over twenty years, was no different. The more he looked at Mindy, the more disgusted he was b y her. However, the thought of Mindy had reminded him of Ruth, which was why he decided to call Sabrina to ask about her.

"I'm sorry, Sabrina," he said apologetically. "I guess I have been getting ahead of myself, I want to apologize to you about that. I won't force you into it anymore. W e are still good friends, though, aren't we?"

"Yes. I will always see you as a good friend of mine. Is this why you are calling?" Sabrina's tone eased.

"Not really. You received a call from your friend Ruth just now right before you left. It has been a few days since she last showed up for work. Did something happen to her?"

Sabrina became increasingly anxious at the mention o f Ruth, but she knew that she couldn't mention this to anyone just yet. She decided to brush it off. "She's fine. She just has not been feeling well for the past few days, it's a woman's thing. I made her some ginger tea so she can warm up a little bit."

"Okay then, tell her to rest well. There is no hurry back to work," Marcus said, concerned.

Sabrina nodded. "I'll hang up now, then."



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