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Roar of the Supreme Warrior novel Chapter 5011

James woke up early the next day feeling surprisingly refreshed. The morning sunlight flooded into the room, and it put James in a good mood.

As he got out of bed to do some light stretching exercises, James sensed some form of energy in his body. He quickly examined his cultivation base.

‘I’ve entered the Tribulation Rank already?

‘I went to bed right away last night, and I didn’t even train. But my cultivation base has been enhanced?!’ James wondered.

For a while, the man stared into space with a puzzled look in his eyes. Then, his face broke into a smile.

At this rate, James would regain his powers and cultivation base soon without needing to do much.

“Mr. Forty-nine, it’s time for breakfast!”

Upon hearing the ladyʼs voice, James went outside to join the siblings for a meal.

After breakfast, Jai took his farming tools and headed to the fields. On the other hand, Yarona stuck around James and spent most of the time chatting with him.

The lady would occasionally bring up the Koloretsua Stone as she was trying to get James to share more information about himself. Unfortunately, James had not divulged any useful details.

James was aware that the people of Teʼoma Village had the duty of guarding the Koloretsua Stone. However, that was all the information he had about them. Therefore, he decided to keep the details of his background a secret until he could confirm what the villagers were actually after.

As the days went by, James would often leave the house and wander in and around the village.

There were close to three hundred people living in Teʼoma Village. Most of them were farmers, and they would spend the day working their lands. James would always watch the villagers harvest or tend to their crops from the side.

The simple, quiet lifestyles of the Teʼoma villagers were what James had envisioned himself achieving someday. However, he could not tell when he would be able to do that yet.

Chapter 5011 1

Chapter 5011 2

Chapter 5011 3


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