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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 495

The lab's door was kicked open, and a flood of people barged in.



Was it just my imagination? I could swear I heard Robin and Stella's voices.


And there were Colin and Dexter, too.

"Back off! Don't touch her!" Colin was frantic, clutching me tightly to his chest, forbidding anyone from laying a finger on me.

The police had the lab surrounded, and all the subjects from the experiment pods were being released.

Subject 63 had escaped, the Rebellion Syndicate had found us, which meant the cops were on our trail.

Maybe the police hadn't wanted to tip off the lab too soon. Was Colin worried Naomi might hurt me?

Once exposed, the organization would cut ties with this lab, making it harder than ever to track them down.

"Colin…" My consciousness was fading, my fingers weakly lifted in an attempt to touch him. "You shouldn't… have come."

We should've waited, let the police focus on Naomi, and they would've found the mastermind eventually.

But now we'd startled the snake.

"Nothing's more important than you, no one's more important…" Colin blurted out in panic, holding me even tighter. "Phoebe, you're going to be okay. You have to be."

"I… love you." My fingers finally grazed Colin's cheek before falling, as I completely lost consciousness.

I wasn't sure if I'd made my feelings clear.

I wondered... if Colin had heard me.

It felt like a regret, not saying it out loud.

"I should've taken her away from you from the start! Caleb, you've always been using her, using her to find this place. You're a jerk, it's your fault she's dead!" Dexter, seeing me breathless, lost control and punched Colin.

I was stunned, watching everything unfold, reaching out to touch Colin but failing.

It was that feeling again, like my soul had left my body.

Before… when Phoebe was near death, I felt this way, my soul lingering outside my body.

So, at the brink of death, consciousness does persist, souls can exist apart from their bodies.

Chapter 495 1

Chapter 495 2


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