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My Pretty Sweetheart novel Chapter 2204

Jordan then interrupted, "Arianna doesn't remember. When the Roberts Group were looking for an opportunity to develop their business, the first enterprise they acquired was Intelligent Real Estate, founded by Agustin."

I shook my head to show that I had no idea about him whatsoever. There were countless acquisitions and business mergers going about in the Roberts Group. All of these businesses weren't being handled by me either. My relationship with Hendrix at that time wouldn't allow me to exceed my job scope. So, naturally, I wasn't informed about any of them.

Naomi raised her glass and said meaningfully to herself, "You seem to have quite easily forgotten about it. He's had the both of you in his mind every day for many years. He hasn't been able to eat or sleep well."

I found it very strange when I heard this. Naomi used to be a very straightforward person, but now she was talking cryptically as though afraid that others couldn't tell she was being ironic. Had she learned to be more sarcastic and critical since she had turned bad?

Rolling my eyes, I resisted the urge to talk back to her. I then turned to look at Hendrix for some help. Hendrix's brain, which was much more terrifying than a machine, might have missed on this information.

Hendrix squinted, indicating to me to remain calm. He then calmly explained, "Intelligence Real Estate's internal management had declined our offers for several years. It was only a matter of time before the company would be eliminated. All I did were the things I was supposed to do and went ahead with it slightly earlier than expected."

He said this to the so- called "Agustin" while staring heavily at him. Hendrix's piercing gaze could penetrate through his thoughts and see what his true intentions were, all while speaking calmly.

Times were changing and the economy needed to be developed. Businesses that refused to make progress would be eliminated from history. Hendrix took the same steps any solid economic leader would have done. There was nothing wrong with his actions. He had expressed his frankness in a very straightforward manner.


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