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My Pretty Sweetheart novel Chapter 1470

Life would be meaningful when we could look back one day and realize we not only made it safely past different hardships in life, but that we also met different people and experienced different things. Some of these might be happy memories, and others painful, but no matter what, all these formed little puzzle pieces which made life complete.

I used to believe that Yana had loved Aaron so deeply that she would never be able to let go of her memories with him, despite having left him. I used to assume that she wouldn't be able to love Ethan as much as she had loved Aaron, but I was wrong.

She did love Aaron, but that didn't mean he was the only person she would ever love. Her history with Aaron was a quiz she had completed in the past. She would still recall the contents of the quiz from time to time, but that didn't mean it would linger and cast a shadow on her future. It was now a matter of the past, a mere memory. She no longer needed it.

This wedding was an occasion I would always cherish and remember.

I believed it was the same, if not more, for Yana


We finally arrived at the main entrance. Ethan's family lived in the suburbs. As this was a traditional wedding, the venue was decorated with traditional elements as well. Ethan's parents were already standing by the front gate, waiting for our arrival.

They had joyful smiles on their faces.

The guests and emcee were standing on both sides of the venue. Everything was in order. The emcee started livening up the atmosphere by announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce the wedding ceremony officially starts now!"


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