Chapter 90 I Don’t Trust You Anymore 

“What do you need me to do?” I cut him off.

“Try to get his data and snap it down to me. I suspect that he didn’t even put in a lot of money for this investment. He tried to get the investment from the government, and the profit would all be his.”

“Niklaus, I’m not dumb, you know. This is a billion dollar project, all eyes are on him. Lance might have done some stuff to increase his profit, but he wouldn’t dare to change the project too much. Don’t think that you can use me easily, Niklaus.”

Hailey told me just now that Niklaus’ family used to be in the raw material sector, just recently, they slowly explore the business world more by going into property sector. I figured Niklaus wanted to sell Lance all the materials, so he needed the data to estimate what kind of price he would give Lance.

By the time, I would become his one way ticket to profit.

I’m not so dumb.

“The data you want, you would have to look for it yourself. Don’t you think that you have overestimated me? To Lance Mason, I’m nothing but his sex toy. I guess we really can’t be allis after all. I used to think Ms Sands would help me collect evidence of Lance’s

evidence is left when doing his dirty deeds. Even if


enemies, only benefits. But you are wrong on another point. Me and Lance are not as close as you think, we are not in the friends in terms of profit. If you

the same bloodline, but not directly related. This means that they are distant


is Niklaus Sands’

with the Abel’s or Lance. To conclude what I want to tell you, I can’t get the data you want. As for my own goal, I will try to work on it . I Don’t Trust You Anymore myself.” And with that,

Rupert Robinson? Don’t be so naïve, you already said

was naïve and stupid, but now, of course I knew I couldn’t rely

to face him, “Don’t try to trigger me, I don’t trust you anymore. The data you want? Get it yourself, don’t ask

is a businessman, he wants money. So it was obvious what both of us wanted were not the same, of course we couldn’t be allies anymore. He didn’t want Lance’s life,

went back to the driver who was waiting for me. My phone rang twice, it was a stranger’s number. I picked up and a woman’s voice


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