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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 2442

Tremaine understood what a 'good' woman was after spending time with Rorita.

She truly epitomized the definition of a good woman.

Kind, even tempered and knew her place.

Unfortunately, as amazing as she was, he just couldn't fall in love with her.

It didn't matter how wonderful the woman was, they would never win his heart, because he was already in love with someone.

That someone had total ownership of his heart.

There wasn't any more space in his heart to accept anyone else

But despite the fact that he could never love her, Tremaine began spending more time with Rorita.

Humans were creatures with feelings and emotions after all.

Despite Tremaine's icy cold nature, he wasn't a heartless man at all.

Seeing how kind and accepting Rorita was, Tremaine decided to repay her kindness by being more attentive to her.

He began having dinner with her regularly and would always ask about her day.

Although he rarely spoke much, Rorita was very happy to be in his company.

It soon became obvious that Rorita had changed.

She was much more radiant looking, her eyes glimmered with joy and she skipped about happily.

Madam Quartley was very happy for her, while Yuliana quietly cursed her joyful existence.

The last time she spoke to Rorita, she had tried to convince her that things weren't going well for her, but despite her best efforts, it did not got as she had hoped. Yesseca's pastries were still being delivered to the Quartley Palace, so Rorita should feel dejected about it, so why was she so happy?

Yuliana grew anxious.

Even though she never touched any of Yesseca's pastries, she still didn't like the fact that the Quartley Palace ordered them regularly.


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