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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 2435

Thinking of the possibility of Yuliana's words, Madam Quartley felt goosebumps all over her body.

She quickly waved her hands and said, "Tell the housekeeper to stop the deliveries."

The next day arrived soon.

As usual, Tremaine ate breakfast in the restaurant, but realized that something was amiss.

The croissant he was eating was different than usual.

Not only the croissant, but the other pastries tasted different as well.

Rorita, ever the observant one, noticed Tremaine's frowning face. She asked, "Mr. Tremaine, the pastries taste different, don't they?"

Tremaine looked at her and asked, "What happened to them?"

Rorita explained, "Perhaps Madam Quartley grew sick of the usual orders, so she ordered pastries from a different bakery."

Tremaine immediately put down the bread in his hand and said, "I'll speak to her."

Surprise flashed across Rorita's eyes.

He had never been one with a big appetite, so why was he showing such a big reaction after knowing that they merely changed the bakery they ordered from?

She was dumbfounded. After a moment's hesitation, she followed after him.

At the same time, Zorion's son was crying inconsolably.

The bread delivered in the morning had been specially ordered by Madam Quartley to be made into various shapes.

In her eyes, the bread delivered from the new bakery was no different from the one from Yesseca's. However, the child failed to recognize the bread from the new, and once he grabbed the bun in his hand, he started sobbing loudly.


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