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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 230

Willow nodded. “That’s right, fifty thousand.”

She couldn’t tell her mother that she’d just been fired from the Hughes Corporation, but walked away with a severance pay of one hundred thousand. Her mother was guaranteed to respond to that news by marching on their headquarters to have a word with them, asking what her daughter had done wrong to get herself fired…

Then she’d find out about how Willow herself had been going around bragging about how she was sure to become Mrs. Hughes soon.

Next, she’d find out about how, when word of this reached Jasper’s own ears, he offered her neither marriage nor consolation… he just got rid of her.

Anyone could understand what he’d meant by that:

He didn’t want to marry her.

When he heard about her wanting to marry him, he’d responded by kicking her right out the door.

Her mother would not take that news sitting down. She’d definitely seek Jasper out again to give him a good talking-to.

That was likely to get ugly… very ugly, indeed.

Most importantly, Willow worried that her mother, in a furious tirade, might reveal the existence of her four children. Going by their age, Jasper would immediately realize that they were his.

That was a risk Willow wished to avoid, at all costs.

This was why she was lying to her mother about being picked up by a new employer. She’d have to get to work transforming that lie into the truth, and soon.

She’d only mentioned fifty thousand, because half of her severance pay was already going to Jasper’s car tyres.

That left her with only fifty thousand.

Chapter 230 1

Chapter 230 2

Chapter 230 3


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