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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 228

As a mother, she’d developed a preternatural sense for danger, along with the quick reflexes to respond to it.

Quick as a whip, she caught hold of Lilith’s hand and yanked her out of the way.

Hot water spilled over the edge of the stovetop. Willow held out her arm to ward her children away from the hazard.

With her four precious angels safely arrayed before her, the anguish in her heart finally broke free, and a solitary tear fell to the floor.

Her young children gaped at her cluelessly, not fully understanding what had just happened. It was the perfect moment to teach them a vital lesson: “The most dangerous part of this whole process is that you might scald yourself with the hot water, which would leave you permanently disfigured. That’s why, when you’re doing this yourselves, you have to fetch a chair to stand on, so that you can easily get the kettle from the stove.”

“I understand, Mommy. From now on, I’ll fill the milk bottles for the others.” That was Tristan, responsible as always.

As the eldest, he was typically the most sensible and mature one among the four quadruplets. He regularly voiced his own opinions and could get lots of things done on his own.

Back then, he was the first to learn how to put on his own clothes. Right away, he’d begun helping his siblings with that.

“Me too, Mommy! I’ll go get a chair.” Filled with excitement, Julian went running out on his short little legs to fetch a chair.

Hailey kept quiet as she continued staring at her mother in awe.

Lilith was still recovering from that frightening episode. “I got it, Mommy…” she quavered. “I’ll never reach for the kettle that way again.”

This caused Willow to smile. She stroked Lilith’s head affectionately. “There’s a good girl. Mommy’s gonna make you another bottle, so that you and Hailey will each have your own to drink from.”

“Let me do it, Mommy! I’ll make a bottle for Lilith!” Julian appeared with a children’s chair. The straight-backed chair was about as tall as the boy was, himself.

Puffing and panting, he brought the chair over. Clearly, it was a tough job for him, but he was determined to see it through.

Chapter 228 1


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