Well, too bad! She didn’t want to play!
Instead, she’d simply take her severance pay, and go! Now, that was her kind of game!
With zero objections nor reason to linger, Willow bustled about packing up her things.
Just then, a figure appeared in the doorway to her office…
Willow sensed the visitor, but she was too eager to get going, so without even looking up to see who it was, she said, “Whatever this is about, I’m afraid you’ll have to take it up with my replacement. I’ve just been let go.”
“Fired on your very first day in your new position… that speed record will be hard to beat! Why, it’s quite possible that you’ll become a legend in the secretarial profession!” It was a sharp, feminine voice, full of mockery and disdain.
A most unpleasant voice to hear.
Willow looked up when the owner of that voice walked in: a woman in fashionable office clothing and exquisite make-up.
The sight of her was so unexpected that it took Willow a while to realize that it really was Edith Price.
Hadn’t she been locked up for selling out company secrets? And yet, not only was she not in jail right now, she was strolling around the company headquarters, free as a bird.
Willow was reminded of how Edith and Samantha had worked together to frame her for theft, and conceal the fact that Jasper Hughes was the father of her children.
Edith was an enemy. Willow was on her guard.
Pausing in her work, Willow flashed her a forced smile, and said, “I may have been fired, but I’ll walk away from here with my conscience clear, and my head held high. At least I’m not the sort of person who can’t be satisfied no matter how much they’re being paid, so they’ve got to sell out their own company for a bit of extra cash.”
Obviously, Willow was hinting that Edith was this other sort of person.
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