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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 178

Grandma Cindy came in with a bowl of soup, still steaming-hot. “Willow dear, I noticed you didn’t eat much at dinner earlier, so I made you some soup to help tide you over—”

She trailed off mid-sentence when her eyes fell upon the two of them, entwined together upon the bed: Willow wrapped up in Jasper’s arms, nuzzling tenderly against his chest; Jasper with his bathrobe in disarray, as Willow’s hands groped him hungrily.

Grandma Cindy fell silent abruptly, at the sight of this intimate scene.

Willow realized that she was a little too close to Jasper at the moment, which might give someone the wrong idea. Sucking in a sharp, cold gasp of air, she dove under the blanket in a mad frenzy, trying to disappear from sight.

She could feel her whole face on fire with humiliation. If only she could dig a grave for herself and just die now.

Grandma Cindy clearly didn’t think there was anything to be embarrassed about. Rather than being surprised, she appeared delighted, beaming from ear-to-ear. “I’ll just leave the soup over here, come have it at your own leisure. Carry on, carry on! I’ll just get out of your way…”

And with that, she made her exit, shutting the door considerately behind herself.

She was the one who’d put Willow in Jasper’s own bedroom. She was the one who’d chased that workaholic grandson of hers off to bed.

…All so that they would turn up in the same bed together, just like that! A man and a woman, alone in the night… and Jasper was healthy and vital, such a fine young man… so if nothing happened between them, even under such circumstances… why, she’d consider that serious cause for concern!

Cindy had been suspecting this Willow Nason might just be some broad her grandson hired to pretend to be his girlfriend, in order to deflect the usual talk of marriage… that was her true motive behind insisting that the young woman stay the night here: so that she could lock the two alleged lovebirds up together, and see what was what!

…And voila, this one was the real thing!

Now, Cindy was grinning madly, like a crazed hag.

No sooner had she closed the door than Grandpa Frank showed up. He gave her a severe look, then stepped forward to knock on the door himself. Cindy frantically caught hold of his hand to stop him from disturbing the pair of lovebirds. “They’re making love in there!” she hissed. “Don’t you get in their way, now!”

“This is Willow’s first night under our roof,” Frank said sternly. “She knows to behave herself. Don’t you slander her.”

Chapter 178 1

Chapter 178 2

Chapter 178 3


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