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Man With Super Medical Skill novel Chapter 3298

As the vehicle moved forward, the road turned back into a dirt path. That familiar sharp, pungent smell filled the air once again, and Shawn's face twisted in discomfort like he'd just sucked on a lemon.

Halfway down the road, Matthew spotted the same group of kids they had seen earlier that morning.

"Hey, it's the mister!"

"Mister, did you already beat up the bad guys?"

"Mister, I told my mom all about it, but she said I was making it up! You've gotta back me up!"

A chorus of excited voices greeted Matthew as he stepped out of the car, and the kids swarmed around him, chattering nonstop.

Matthew smiled warmly at them and answered, "Yep, I took care of the bad guys. Starting today, you won't have to pile trash on the sides of the road anymore."

"Thanks, mister!"

"Mister, you're awesome!"

"My mom didn't believe me, but I'm gonna go tell her right now!"

The kids scattered in all directions, eager to share the news with their parents.

Matthew's gaze settled on one boy he'd noticed earlier. While the other kids had already run home, this one stood there, lingering.

Sensing Matthew's attention, the boy sniffled. Then, he gathered his courage and spoke up. "Mister, I wanna be just as strong as you someday!"

Matthew chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "Why do you want to be like me?"


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