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I Love You, Miss Genius ( Bonnie Shepard ) novel Chapter 872

“You’ll find out soon enough, Ivor.” Andreas wanted to tell Ivor he also knew the girl in question. However, the former did not want to ruin the surprise. After all, Bonnie would soon arrive.

Ivor smiled and shook his head. “So, you’re keeping it a mystery?”

“I’ve never stopped thinking about her, Ivor. Of course, I can keep it a mystery.” Andreas felt proud whenever he mentioned Bonnie because she was an incredible woman. He felt lucky to meet her and go through hardships together all those years ago.

‘If we never met, our story wouldn’t have begun. I feel nothing but warmth whenever I remember our experiences in the jungle. We encountered many dangers, and I even got hurt for Bonnie.’

Ivor saw himself in Andreas. The former remembered looking like Andreas when proposing to Bonnie. Ivor said, “Here’s to wishing everything goes well for your proposal, Your Highness.”

‘Now that I think about it, I’m starting to see things from Andreas’s perspective. He’s nervous because he’s about to propose to the one he loves the most.’

With that in mind, Ivor recalled something and looked at the prince. “Wait, I thought you told me you two have loved each other for a long time. If that’s the case, why are you so nervous? You don’t have a reason to be nervous at all.”

Although Andreas had fantasized about everything sweet and loving between Bonnie and himself, he was not about to tell Ivor anything. So, Andreas avoided answering that question. Instead, he said, “I-I just am, all right?! Th-there’s a personal sentiment I can’t put into words.”

After some thought, Ivor nodded and said, “I guess you’re right.”


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