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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 891

Levi hissed before he growled, “That is truly cruel!”

“The Garrison family locked your mother up, to keep her away from the rest of the world. They wanted to make it seem like your mother had never existed, so that she would never appear to have had any connections with their family,” informed Michael.

“And my mom just stayed put and never stepped out of the city?” asked Levi.

From what he had come to learn about his mother, there was no way that Emma Jones would ever come to fear death.

She is the kind of person who would ignore everything and come looking for me, anyway. The fact that she never did, meant that there was

another issue.

“She had never left because the Garrison family had placed a tombstone in the yard, where your mother had lived,” announced Michael.

“A tombstone? Whose grave is it?” asked Levi, who didn’t understand what Michael had meant.

“Yours. The name carved on the tombstone is Levi Garrison. The tombstone served to remind your mother that if she ever dared to step out of the place, the Garrison family would hunt you down and kill you. It prevented her from searching for you, or from exposing the Garrison family’s secret,” answered Michael.

“Oh, the Garrison family is cruel indeed,” commented Levi, who couldn’t help but crack his knuckles.


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