“Zoey turned you down, Jacky! She even let her bodyguard beat them up!” Leslie replied.
“How dare she?” Jacky roared, his eyes glinting murderously.
“No one should have the guts to turn me down! Whoever turns me down is already a dead person in my book!” Jacky said furiously.
At that very moment, Derek returned with his subordinates.
They all sported black eyes, split lips and a multitude of bruises and injuries.
Derek instantly collapsed in a bow in front of Jacky and cried out, “You have to help us!” “Tell me everything that happened!” Jacky’s face was as dark as coal.
“We went to invite Zoey over on your behalf, but she was incredibly disrespectful! When I brought up your name, she even swore at you! We were about to use force when her bodyguard beat us all up!” Derek took some liberties with his storytelling.
Jacky couldn’t care less about how true the story was.
From that, he understood Zoey had turned him down and beat his subordinates up.
This was a clear slap to his face!
“You’re all garbage! You can’t even bring one person to me! What do I keep you all around for?” Jacky roared in anger.
He hadn’t thought that he’d need to personally step out for something like this.
Leslie was terrified.
Jacky changed the topic. “Still, there’s no one on earth that I can’t invite!”
He looked at Leslie. “Go and tell Zoey Lopez that she has to come bow before me before tonight ends. If not, they’ll all end up like Brock Green!”
Soon enough, Leslie arrived at the Black family manor.
By now, everyone knew Leslie was one of the puppets of the mysterious force that had taken over South City.
They were terrified at the mere sight of him “What are you here for, Mr. Davies?” Bailey asked respectfully.
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