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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 556

Melvin gaped soundlessly.

Derek was stunned.

And Silas, well, he was staring in shock.

Everyone was rendered speechless with their eyes bulging out of their socket while frozen in place.

Even Timothy found himself struck dumb. The cigar he was smoking dropped to the ground from his limply gaping mouth.

Tim Cronan?This is The Tim Cronan - the Governor of Quebec?

“I’m the Deputy Governor of Quebec, Woodie Emil!”

“And I’m the head of the Police Department, Wright Hector!”

“I’m Stephen McKay, the Mayor of South City.”

“I’m the Deputy Leader of the South City, Korey Madisen.”

“My name is Thorn Keene, and I’m the Captain of City Patrol Squad for South City.”

One by one, the gathered crowd stepped forward to proclaim their identities loudly.


When Timothy and his group heard them announce their various titles, they almost lost their minds. Derek and his cronies were even more terrified, shaking like a leaf in the wind as cold sweat beaded on their forehead.

Just then, another crowd appeared at the entrance of the club.

Timothy and his group recognized them as the entourage that accompanied Levi earlier when they entered the club.

“Hey, we couldn’t let you all have all the fun when there’s a commotion out here. We’re here to join in.”

“Guess what? I’m Mike Pence, commander-in-chief of the three hundred thousand troops stationed in South City Warzone!”

The sound of people choking in horror grew louder.

“I’m his deputy commander-in-chief, Rex Hanson!”

“I’m the military strategist of the South City

Warzone, Hector Christensen.” “I’m Mortimer Lambert, captain of the South City Warzone regiment!”

“And I’m Alfie Steele, commanding officer of the Iron Brigade Dragon Legion!”

What the...

Silence descended over the crowd of people.

Suddenly, a few loud crashes were heard.

After Alfie and the other military officers had made their identities and titles known, Timothy and his friends just sat weakly onto the ground in their shock.

Their legs trembled as their bodies went limp, making them fall onto the ground in a very undignified way.

Humiliatingly, most of them even wet their pants

Dark stains spread across the front of their pants and felt warm in the cold air. The rank stench of urine started to assault the noses of everyone present.


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