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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 2367

Levi grew more exasperated with each passing second.

If things truly progressed as he had imagined it to be, then he would be facing a huge problem.

It would mean that Lab of Gods had never been eradicated in the first place, and that it had been plotting against everyone in the dark as they carried out their experiment on the world.

The new era was indeed part of their grand scheme of things...

Ancient civilizations and techniques, coupled with a myriad of new technology —everything had originated from Lab of Gods.

Suddenly, everything made perfect sense to Levi.

However, the world was still oblivious to the scheme of Lab of Gods, and even was even grateful for the low-hanging fruit that they enjoyed, going crazy over the new technology and techniques that had dawned on them.

Kirin was the perfect example of such character.

Upon closer scrutiny, Levi realized that the fact had been staring down their faces all along.

Maya Industries had been the leading force of the world. However, the technology which they heavily relied on was the remnant of the technology from Lab of Gods two to three years ago.

Their special chemical stumped the world, as did the mutated zombies which could not be killed.

Their age-old technology was still leading in the golden new era.

All the talks of ancient techniques and technology being outdated were merely a distraction.

It was all part of an experiment carried out by Lab of Gods.

They were showcasing the plain fact that what they had a long time ago was still very much ahead and threatening than what the new era had brought about.

It was impossible that such an advanced institute would be wiped out.

Who would have the ability to do so anyway?

There were simply too many unanswered questions!

Levi reckoned that a number of ancient existence was awakened following the awakening of vampires.

It was all done by Lab of Gods and part of their grand scheme of things.

The high-rank officials of Maya Industries which were labeled as traitors of Lab of Gods naively thought that they had destroyed Lab of Gods.

However, they were unknowingly only a

pawn in Lab of Gods' grand scheme.

Levi even thought it was possible that Lab of Gods had predicted their every move, and utilized it in orchestrating their experiment.

With this thought in mind, Levi could not help but wonder what was truly up Lab of Gods' sleeves.

They had released a number of advanced technology to radically change the world.

Levi recalled that they were even trying to get their hands on the Doomsday Seed Vault. Now, every piece of the puzzle seemed to have fallen in place...

“Huh? What's the matter?”


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