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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 2357

Levi looked at the clueless bunch.

He could not stand it any longer and wanted to show them that the battle suit was just a thin piece of paper, that he could tear it into pieces with ease.

Edmund sneered. “What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to tear it in two, of course,” Levi said.


Everyone laughed out loud after hearing that.

They looked at him like he was a fool.

Only an idiot would say something like that!

No normal person would ever say such a thing.

It's true that the battle suit is light and thin, but all the materials used to make it were of the highest quality and rarity! Just the materials alone surpass anything that's aerospace-grade.lt could withstand extreme temperatures and ward off sharp materials as well as all sorts of attacks from top fighters on the Divine Leaderboard. It's the essence of modern and ancient technology I It's indestructible!Frankly, no one in Garrison Industry can even leave a scratch on it no matter what they did or what equipment they used.

No one here could possibly do anything to it! The result just now is a testament to that!

Not even that powerful attack could do anything to it, let alone your bare hands. What a joke!

And so, everyone laughed when Levi blurted out those words.

They all thought he sounded like a retard.

Nevertheless, those were all just their opinions.

Levi was like a god, after all.

“So, you don't believe me, right?”

Levi was just about to rip the battle suit apart when Zoey and the others stopped him.

“It's alright! Let's go! Thank you for the suit, General! We'll take our leave now.”

Zoey was worried that Edmund might go back on his word, so she quickly dragged Levi out of there along with the battle suit and left with everyone else.

At present, Edmund was still caught up in the result of the test, so he did not care what Levi did or where he went.

“Why don't you guys have this battle suit?

I don't really need it anyway.”

Levi wanted to give the suit to his disciple and friends so that whoever needed it could wear it.


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