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He Started A War, Conquered The World novel Chapter 2337

“That's impossible! Where could he have run to in such a short amount of time? I'm sure he has gone into hiding!”

“Find him! Use whatever means necessary to find him! Levi Garrison must die! I have put up with him for far too long, and enough is enough!”

The high-rank official who had just given the order undoubtedly felt a deep-seated animosity toward Levi.

He was more than just someone familiar with Levi.

He was Levi's old nemesis.

All eyes were on the screens onboard the battleship as images and data continued to stream in.

One of the subordinates couldn't hide his excitement and exclaimed, “Hahaha!

We've successfully forced Kirin, Floyd, and Zoey to unleash their ultimate

moves. Good, capture all the data! With this information, we'd no longer need the fighters. We're killing two birds with one stone!”

The high-rank official nodded his head. “Yes, not bad at all!”

Then, someone else asked, “It's just a pity that one-third of the fighters have pulled out. Coincidentally, they all have ties to the Sacred Organization. Do you think Dark Emperor has figured out what we're trying to do and therefore ordered his men to retreat?”

“That's possible! Without the Sacred Organization, we'd be missing one-third of the data. That's extremely unfavorable to us!”

“Up until now, we still don't know who Dark Emperor is. His identity remains as mysterious as ever...”

While the people in Maya Industries continued with their discussion, Levi hid atop a towering tree.

As the mutated zombies ran past beneath him, his lips curled into a smirk.

No can one find me if I don't want them to.

Just then, Death Fiend's voice rang out in the communication device. “Master, are you there? We're ready! We can either temporarily jam the signal on Maya Industries' devices or cause a delayed feedback signal.”


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