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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 815

"Mrs. Lee, we agreed ages ago that your jewelry designs are all gonna go to Carmella's studio!"

"Well see ya, Mrs. Xenia!"


Estelle heard the sound and turned her head, watching through the semi-transparent wooden partition as Simone warmly said goodbye to a group of people.

Then it dawned on her. Today was the opening day of Carmella's studio!

Just a few days ago, Sallie had texted her about Simone bragging all over town about Carmella opening her own studio, completely forgetting about Carmella's previous plagiarism scandal.

Today, the Macclain family had invited a bunch of big shots for the grand opening, and the celebration was being held right here in the 9th Mansion.

Now the feast was over, and Simone was seeing the guests out with Bennett.

Some people had left, while some were still chatting with Simone.

One lady in a white suit complimented, "Carmella is really something, opening her own studio right after graduation!"

Simone, not wanting to sound too proud but unable to hide it, responded, "Carmella has always been dedicated. Whatever she wants to do, we naturally support her!"

Another lady added, "Now that Carmella has her own business, you guys can just sit back and enjoy your twilight years!"

Simone laughed even harder, "It doesn't matter how her business goes. We've got her back anyway. As long as she's happy, that's all that matters!"

"Where's Carmella?" someone asked.

Simone answered with a loving tone, "She's chatting with a few classmates she invited!"

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, the guests gradually left.


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