On the well- lit street, the two of them walked abreast. Tracey had as if endless words to say to him, from business to what she liked to eat. And Adam talked with her about whatever she wanted to talk about.
Tracey was so absorbed in their conversation that she accidentally walked onto the roads and a car was darting right towards her. Just before she was hit, Adam stretched out his arms and pulled her to his embrace.
At first, he was walking on the left side but somehow Tracey got to his left side, the side that was closer to the road. If he didn't react fast enough, what could've happened was beyond imagination.
Tracey lay prone on his chest and heard his steady heartbeat and smelled of scent on his body.
"Are you okay?" A pleasant and magnetic voice came to her ears. Tracey was a little absentminded for a moment. His arms were so familiar and warm that she was reluctant to let go.
They had, after all, spent so much time before her amnesia. Even if her brain had no memories of it all, her body still did.
Adam's hands were still on her waist, and the temperature of his palm passed through the thin skirt to her skin.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Tracey shook her head.
"Be careful, silly." Adam sweated on his back. This girl was too careless.
"Well, I will."
"It's getting late. You should go home and have a good rest. I will take you home." Adam looked at his wristwatch and said.
Tracey nodded. "Okay."
Adam walked her to the door of her apartment as always. "I'll come to the company to pick you up at the same time tomorrow."
"Okay, later." Tracey saw that he was going to leave. Thinking of the goodnight kiss last night, she actually had some expectations.
She knew that it was not appropriate, but she had a feeling that the two of them were meant to be that way.
Adam kissed her on her forehead, without any feelings crossing the boundaries, and said, "Night night."
"Night night." Tracey felt that her whole heart was filled up with an indescribable emotion. Adam used to kiss her every night and morning.
Tracey's footsteps became much lighter and cheered when she returned to her room as if being with Adam would take much load off her shoulders.
For some reason, she felt like she didn't have to put up the "president air" when with him and she didn't have to tread each step carefully as if she were walking on thin ice.
Being with Adam made her feel naturally relaxed, not having to wear a cold mask all the time and not having to worry about what he thought of her. She could laugh when she wanted to laugh, eat when she wanted to eat.
After washing up, she went back to bed and found that Adam sent her a message. "I'm home. Sleep tight."
This was also a habit of his in the past. If he was going on a business trip, he would turn on his phone and call Tracey to tell him that he was safe after getting off the plane, worrying that she would have all the misgivings in the world about him if he didn't.
Even if she couldn't remember him now, he still kept this habit.
She replied with a sleeping emoji, and then covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep.
Rocco went to the nearby pet store and bought a beautiful Ragdoll with especially bright big eyes.
After setting up the place for Rebeca, she didn't wear her dress but a plain skirt and bounded her hair into a ponytail without even putting on any makeup.
She looked everything like a college girl and nothing like a president. Rocco did some investigation on Rebecca on the side.
Every man who pursued her had their efforts in vain in the end. Rocco didn't know the specific details but decided everything was the result of her being high-maintenance and the men's being unreasonably pestering.
The readers' comments on the novel: Domineering Lover