CEO Proposed to His Ex-wife 99 Times

Chapter 476 Who Are You Asking about?

Marshall came back with Khalid at noon. They didn’t see Katherine or Frances when they walked into the house and asked at the same time, "Where is she?"

Sitting on the couch, Old Mrs. Grant heard them and looked up. "Who are you asking about? Katherine or Frances?"

Marshall and Khalid exchanged glances. Marshall chuckled, while Khalid felt a little embarrassed.

Marshall replied first, "I’m asking about Katherine, but dad isn’t, I assume."

Khalid gave a little cough and answered, "I’m asking about both of them."

Old Mrs.Grant looked back and said, "They’re in their rooms upstairs. They said they were tired, and I told them to get some rest."

Marshall nodded. "Let me go check on her."

Old Mrs. Grant said nothing. Khalid stood for a while, hesitated and went upstairs too.

Katherine and Frances were taking a rest in their respective rooms.

Katherine came into view as soon as Marshall opened the door. Holding the covers, she was sound asleep, just as before. Marshall walked towards her softly and stopped by the bed. She was sleeping on her side and thus her underbelly was exposed. In fact, it didn’t look obvious, but in Marshall’s eyes, it had grown larger. He sat down slowly and reached out to stroke her underbelly, but it stirred Katherine from sleep.

She frowned. "You’re so annoying! Do you have to wake me up once you get back?"

Marshall beamed a smile. "Lunch is ready. Get up and let’s go to the dining room together."

Now Katherine was wide awake. Lying in bed, she stared at the window and said, "Clara invited us to dinner to apologize for what she did before."

Marshall was disgusted to hear the name "Clara". "She doesn’t need to apologize. She just needs to disappear."

Katherine chuckled. "But I’m wondering what she’ll say."

stop talking about others. Listen, now that you’ve moved in, how

move back right after lunch. It won’t

I’m just saying. Don’t take it

to Marshall’s cowardly reaction with perfect nonchalance. The two didn’t stay in the room

she had been looking out of the window and thus seen Khalid and Marshall coming back. In fact, she wanted to go out and greet them, but found

went in without knocking on the door. "Lunch is

her and said,

and told

the door and asked Marshall, "Is your dad back?" Marshall didn’t know why she asked so, and responded yes. She patted him on the

of them went downstairs. Katherine saw Khalid sitting next to Old Mrs. Grant

Grant smiled, "He came back with Marshall and followed him up the stairs, but went down right

her, "Mom, why did you

knowing smile. "Don’t worry. Ms.

said, and the worse thing was, no one even tried to

their feet, Frances went downstairs, who felt a little awkward and tried to keep a

and asked after a long pause, "Are

rolled her eyes as

Frances nodded. "Yeah."

waved at them and called,

took their seat, Frances sat down on her old seat after some consideration. Meanwhile, Khalid came to her side and

while to accustom herself to it, but she found herself being too sentimental a moment later. After all, she had longed for this moment for some time, and she shouldn’t be bothered

and don’ts as a pregnant woman, which she had told her many times before. Katherine knew this was the way Old Mrs. Grant

come later to

asking, "Have you

thought of how ruthless Katherine was when she had tortured that man, which totally surprised him. Sometimes, a

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