Bernard jolted awake, his heart pounding painfully in his chest. Instinctively, he thought of Eleanor and the pain intensified. He had sent her away without explanation, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong. But he felt an unsettling sense of loss, as if something precious was slipping away from him.
The excruciating pain turned his face pale, his fingers gently tracing the bite mark on his collarbone. The pain eased a little at the touch. Eleanor had left a mark on him, a beacon in his loneliness, a temporary respite from his gloom.
Wrapped in darkness, he could hardly see anything. The sound of rhythmic tapping echoed from the adjoining wall. Bernard sat up straight, straining his ears to decipher the Morse code: [It's me, Mr. Quartus.]
With a nod, he tapped back: [How's Robin doing?]
A cold, ruthless look flashed in Bernard's eyes. He had a hard time killing Sophie and Mr. Ben due to the chip control. But he could take someone else down in their place.
With this thought, he tapped back: [Robin died in the eighth round.]
Mr. Quartus' hand froze on the wall, but quickly regained composure: [Understood.]
Bernard lowered his long eyelashes, hiding his emotions, and sent another message: [He was Wendy Pine's son, your nephew. Don't you want revenge for him?]
Mr. Quartus - Sheldon Pine, unmasked, his face showing no signs of aging, handsome and sophisticated, leaned against the wall and tapped back nonchalantly: [I said I will get him out.]
His inside man in the upper district would tamper with the program after Robin's game failure. Knowing the rules of Area Opaca, Mr. Quartus would not rely on Scarface Man alone. He had other backup plans.
Bernard understood and didn't reply. Like a moth drawn to a flame, he had tried to manipulate others to his advantage but to no avail.
Sheldon knew what Bernard wanted him to do. He sent another message: [2-7 betrayed me, which my nephew suffer too much. I'll get rid of them once I'm out.]
The readers' comments on the novel: A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard)
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