A Court of Silver Flames

A Court of Silver Flames

Authors:Sarah J. Maas
Num Chapters:0
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A Court of Silver Flames chapter summary: 

It was good but not my fav. This story did make me like Nesta by the end which was a feat in and of itself, and I loved the friendship element with Gwyn and Emerie that I hadn’t expected! But the plot was all over the place and there were definitely those classic, weird and slightly cringey scenes involved Fae stuff that only SJM can write lol. Overall I enjoyed it but not as much as I had hoped! :-)


Feysand could never with those smut scenes. i was blushing the entire time. not gonna lie some scenes were kinda cringe and detailed in a way that made me laugh out loud. “spilling his seed into her...” bitch wtf ok but wtf?!? i really liked how sjm didn’t play a feysand relationship development with nessian. nesta and cassian went right at it. they worked their way backwards from the way feysand relationship was developed. i liked that. and it hit my heart so hard in the best way possible. they are the elite couple (so far) and that’s fact! the sex scenes went from fucking to intimacy. it’s no secret that these books are overall heavy romance over plot. i like that shit.

i loved reading nesta claim herself back emotionally, mentally, and physically. i wanted this book to not only be nesta’s arc but also cassian’s. yes not everyone is innocent here. i wanted nesta to know about him and mor’s past because that’s a small part of why nesta never pursued cassian back in the pervious books-because she believed cassian and mor still had unresolved history. cassian treated nesta like a side chick in pervious books and that was never addressed. however that aside, nesta basically finding her own inner circle with gwyn and emerie was the most uplifting thing to read in this book. these ‘females’ got each other’s back and i’m 100% here for it.

the fucking blood rite blood rite scenes were so powerful and jaw dropping! probably my favorite scenes in the whole damn book.
i wanted to see more of a friendly relationship develop between nesta and azriel meaning i just wanted more scenes of them talking/conversation and respecting one another. literally that’s why az is my favorite, my husband has so much respect for everyone around him.

WHEN THEY FINALLY CONFESSED WHAT WE ALL BEEN KNEW SINCE DAY 1 ! they are fucking mates!!! that was a breathe of fresh air even though the confession went to shit but they came back around and found each other’s arms. sjm pulled a feysand with that one but in a different font.

NESTA LOOSING SOME OF HER POWERS. ***cough*** sjm pulled an aelin with that one. i did not vibe with that. i liked how she has all this mysterious power and for it to just be given back. i’m sad about it.

THE FUCKING BIRTHING SCENE!! tears !! sad and happy!!! that was the most intense and heart throbbing scene in the entire book. NESTA AND RHYS HUG?!? thank the cauldron!!! but i’m not satisfied. i feel only somewhat satisfied with how nesta’s relationships developed with not just cassian but her sisters and the rest of the inner circle

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