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When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law (Kristin and Garner) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

Are you strapped for cash?Tam casually asked after dropping Kristin off

Kristin didn’t reply but looked down and got out of the car

Take these. I’m not carrying much cash. I’ll hook you up with some more tomorrow,Tam said, shoving a few bills from his car into Kristin’s hand. Don’t trash yourself for money. Sure, you’re used to living in the lap of luxury, but you’re not a legit heiress. Even if you’re faking it, you have to hustle. Selling your body for cash would get you looked down on.” 

Having had a thing for Kristin long ago, Tam furrowed his brow and gave her advice

Besides, Kristin had protected him just now

Kristin glanced at the money Tam offered, didn’t take it, and just walked away

That was an insult to her

You think that’s too little?Tam exploded. Whatever those guys like Lance are paying you, I’ll double it, and you can spend the night with me!” 

After his outburst, Tam didn’t notice his ears had turned red

Damn it! Cursing inwardly, Tam felt he’d been too bold

Kristin bit her lip, glared at Tam, said nothing, and ran into the alley

Damn it!Tam cursed again, feeling he’d lost his mind. Everyone knew Kristin was trouble, willing to go with any man, and possibly carrying diseases

Summer had already fallen asleep in Garner’s mechanic shed

Maybe because he’d always been around Garner, Summer felt particularly secure in Garner’s shabby little hut, sprawling out as he slept

You’ll sleep in the bed with Summer, and I’ll crash on the couch,Gafner said. He was poor and couldn’t afford a place in Silvergrove City, so he tidied up the shed he used.for work just enough to be livable, albeit a bit cold in winter

GarnerKristin called softly. Tomorrow, I want to find a job.” 

Sure, I’ll see what I can do. You do need a job,Garner smiled, turning on an electric heater for Kristin. This will keep you warm.” 

Garner, no need. Let’s save on the electric bill,Kristin smiled at Garner. Her eyes were clear, glistening with tears

Garner couldn’t stand to see his sister suffer, so he turned and headed for the couch

Kristin shouldn’t have been part of the Turner family but had lived the life of a pampered 



Chapter 25 

heiress for twenty years. She had to endure hard times, and he thought she couldn’t handle it. But she was proving to be sensible in a heartwrenching way

That night, Garner didn’t sleep a wink, thinking about how to make a better life for Summer and 


With their mother in jail and their father long passed away, he had little savings, having spent it all on raising Summer

He’d roughed it out himself but wouldn’t let Summer suffer

But fixing cars wasn’t a longterm solution and didn’t make big money. Garner had to think about earning more at least to give Kristin and Summer a home in Silvergrove City

Hey Garner, what about that thing I mentioned to you? I want you to come and work with me.” 

Early in the morning, Garner’s old army buddy called him

Garner had served a few years as a special forces soldier before being discharged due to an injury

His buddy had set up a security company and wanted him to join

The company serviced the elite families in Silvergrove City and offered a handsome salary

Garner had previously turned it down to look after Summer, but Kristin was out, and he needed to make money

Garner, here’s the thing. The darling daughter of the Lawrence family married a tycoon from Mistwood City a few years back. The guy kicked the bucket from a heart attack, and now she’s back in Silvergrove City with nearly ten billion in inheritance, needing a reliable bodyguard. Think it over. The offer is generous. You know the Lawrence family is second only to the FitzGerald family. Before Rhett took over the FitzGerald family, the Lawrence family was neck and neck with them. It’s just that the Lawrencefamily’s current generation only has Ms. Lawrence.” 

Garner frowned, hesitating for a moment. He wasn’t too fond of rich kids, especially spoiled heiresses, but he needed the cash. Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” 

On the other end of the line, his buddy was stunned. “Garner, you agreed? Are you in trouble, or did you finally come to your senses?” 

Garner remained silent, then spoke after a long pause. My sister’s out of jail. I have to provide for the family.” 

Okay, come in for orientation tomorrow.” 

After hanging up, Garner went to make breakfast for Kristin and Summer

Kristin seemed sick, running a fever through the night and still out of it at halfpast eight, showing no signs of waking up

Uncle Garner, I think Mommy’s sick,Feeling Kristin’s forehead, Summer quickly got out of bed 




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